środa, 2 września 2009

Australia chce jednej, spójnej marki

W Australii, pomimo przeprowadzenia w ostatnich latach kilku bardzo udanych projektów promocyjnych w obszarze turystyki (m.in. kampanii "So where the bloody hell are you?" oraz z tego roku opartej na filmie Baza Luhrmanna "Australia" - opisywanej w marcowym numerze Brief for Poland), cały czas dyskutuje się o budowaniu marki kraju. Tym razem mówi się o unifikacji wizerunku, wykorzystaniu sukcesu działań promocyjnych w obszarze turystycznym na gruncie promocji gospodarczej. Proponuje się także powołania "Brand Australia Council". Więcej w artykule poniżej:

One nation, one brand, one shrimp

Tourism chiefs across Australia are calling for one unified Australian brand to use when selling the country's products and services and encouraging tourists from the rest of the world - so are we gearing up to expect another ‘Throw a shrimp on the barbie' ad or what? TheMoveChannel finds out...

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has been approached by Australia's major exporters calling for a ‘Brand Australia Council.'

Selling Australia with one unified brand will strengthen people's awareness of the country both as a tourist destination and business hub.

Whilst tourism has done most of the legwork in selling Australia to the world thus far, there now needs to be a coordinated approach which will see the will see the marketing efforts of all Australian businesses, artists, musicians, actors, sportspeople, designers and more, leverage off each other, under a unified Australian brand.

Managing Director of the Tourism and Transport Forum, Christopher Brown, said that it was an easily affordable project.

"Australia is one of the most recognisable country brands on Earth, and the brand has been valued at around £391 billion.

"In context, the most valuable corporate brand in 2008 was Coca-Cola, valued at £24 billion. Coca-Cola has tens of thousands of people worldwide looking after its brand, but at the moment we are going into the market without a marketing department," he added.

Mr Brown said the forum had been working on the proposal for an Australian brand for a couple of years.

Amongst the suggestions for the brand is playing on Australia's relaxed, laid back, outdoorsy nature coupled with a sense of space.

Unlike other cities such as London and New York, Australia offers an uncrowded way of life with a reliable climate and fantastic beaches.

Other suggestions included playing on the physical beauty of the country.

Chief Executive of advertising agency Leo Burnett, Todd Sampson, said, "The challenge facing Australia now is to find its own space in people's heads.

"Just like Las Vegas instantly means adult playground, so Australia needs to find its own brand," he added.

Author: Catherine Deshayes
Source: www.themovechannel.com

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